Homebase Airports

Our Virtual Airline operates out of all Major Regional Airports in either the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden and Eire. You choose which airport you wish to fly to a holiday resort from. You choose  which homebase airport  you want to return to from the resort. The rule is simple :- 

All airports must have adequate emergency services and customs facilities and adequate runway length for the aircraft you are flying.

Please see the Departure Times Section of the Operations Manual       for details of departure times.

 Each airfield has a 4 letter identity code. 

 Pilots will be expected to fly Standard Instrument Departures SIDS where applicable on take off and STARS on approaching. Noise abatement procedures must also be adhered to. 

Constant Descent Approach Procedures may be made at homebase airports. See the supplement on how to do this.

 Pilots need to make themselves aware of the bad weather operating procedures and must always  land with a minimum 45 flying minutes fuel in the aircraft  fuel tanks.